Kwick Kleen Dry Cleaners
Kwick Kleen has provided premium quality dry cleaning and laundry services to the residents of Islamabad since 1969. We have always aimed on providing top quality and affordable prices for our clients. Located at the heart of Islamabad and fitted with the latest in garment care equipment, we are ready to serve. Stay clean and healthy with Kwick Kleen.
Kwick Kleen saves you countless hours on laundry and ironing while making you look your best. Just drop your items at our store and get them back next working day clean and pressed. Our professional staff takes utmost care and responsibility to make sure the job is done just right. Call our team to clean carpets, chairs and sofas at your home. Bring your vehicle over for a thorough interior cleaning. Our experts remove tough stains and can also repair your garments.
Our Services
Kwick Kleen provides a range of services like laundry, dry cleaning, steam pressing, ironing, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, auto interior cleaning, darning, advance stain removal, curtains and vertical blinds cleaning.

Laundry, dry cleaning and steam pressing
Your clothes are processed using state of the art machinery and then pressed with steam and packed gently.

Repair damaged clothes and stain removal
Our experts repair any damaged clothes and can also remove tough stains. Do not attempt to remove stains on your own as it can become permanent.

Upholstery and auto interior cleaning
Call our team to clean your carpets and upholstery at home. We also provide cleaning of vehicle interior including seats, mats, doors and roof.
Kwick Kleen provides flexibility to meet the demands of all our clients

On-spot services
You don't need to bring large items that are difficult to move. Call our team over. This does not apply to curtains and clothes.

Stain removal
Precise removal of stains using various chemicals.

Our expert repairs your expensive garment by hand.

Steam pressing
Steam is used to soften and press clothes making them crinkle free.

Dry cleaning
Green earth solvent is used to process garments in an environmentally friendly way.

Laundry is done in state of the art machinery.

Carpet cleaning
Cleans and removes all dirt from your carpet with machines.

Rugs cleaning
Rugs are carefully cleaned by hand.

Auto interior cleaning
The whole inside of the car is cleaned.

Upholstery cleaning
Get all types of upholstery cleaned.

Stuffed toy cleaning
Get all types of stuffed toys and pillow's washed and dried.

Contract based services
Contracts available for large scale work. Email for details.

Urgent services available
Bring your garments in before 10 am and ask for same day delivery to get them ready by 7:30pm. Urgent charges are double than regular rates.

Order adjusted to clients needs
Pressing only costs half of the regular rates and garments can be delivered on hangers or folded.
What our clients have to say
Kwick Kleen has always been a dependable and top notch service provider to its clients.

Contact Us
5, Khayaban-e-Suhrwardy, G-6/1, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Google Maps

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